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Receive a Quote for
Tray and Canopy Packages

Please fill out the details below and we will get back to you as soon as we can! We look forward to providing you with exceptional quality tray and canopies!

Thank you 

Tray Options
CT1 Dual Cab Tray
LC79 Dual Cab Tray
No Tray
Canopy Options
CT1 1300mm Canopy
CT1 1600mm Canopy
CT1 Custom Size Canopy
LC79 1300mm Canopy
LC79 1600mm Canopy
LC79 Custom Size Canopy
No Canopy
Colour Options
Powder coated Standard Black
Colour Coded
Raw Aluminum
External Accessories Add on
Are you interested in Custom Internal Fit out
Yes please
No Thank you
Installation Options
Install at our workshop in Bellevue, Perth WA
Pick up from workshop
Shipping required
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